Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pet Turtle Care: Yellow Belly Turtles

Yellow Belly Turtles - Helpful Tips For the Novice

Yellow Belly Turtles are one of the most popular types of turtle to keep as pets. Contained in this article is some basic information, which has been collected from experts and owners alike, about Yellow Bellied Sliders. With these tips and advice added to your own knowledge, you should be able to decide if the
Yellow Turtle is the right kind of pet for you to purchase. If you are presently an owner, this information will provide you with useful counsel on how to make your pets healthier and thrive.

As its name suggests, the bottom part of the shell (known as the plastron) of a yellow belly turtle is predominantly yellow, highlighted with green specks along the edges.

It is interesting to note that this species has the capacity to interbreed with other species, such as Red Eared Sliders. Mating can take place in spring, fall, and summer. The female Yellow Bellied Sliders are normally larger than the males.

As hatchlings, this type of turtle requires an aquarium filled with up to 10 gallons of water. The Yellow Turtle will, however, need more space as it grows older. You should also make sure that their housing is large enough to allot an area in which the turtles can wander around, bask, and dry off completely after they have finished swimming. Even though direct sunlight is always the best choice for their lighting needs, you can improvise if necessary by placing a UV-B heat lamp in their tank in order to maintain an average temperature of 89-95 degrees Fahrenheit.

As your turtles grow, it is also advisable to provide a nesting place for the females. Make sure to construct a place that will be safe for the female to lay her eggs on, and for the eggs to hatch.

Yellow Belly Turtles, like others in their family, naturally produce a lot of waste. You should, therefore, invest in the best filter you can afford, which should keep the water clean and clear for the longest time possible. Another point to consider: Small and colorful pebbles, sold in pet shops, may produce a pleasing aesthetic effect to your pet's housing, but they will only make the cleaning of your turtle's house more tedious and difficult. Perhaps it will be best, then, to steer clear of these decorations.

Like the majority of turtles, the Yellow Turtle is omnivorous. This large array of food options makes feeding your pets simple and easy. Plants such as elodea can be left in the water where you keep your turtles.

You can also provide your yellow belly turtles with escarole, romaine lettuce, collard greens, freshly killed fish, and small insects. As turtles have become more and more popular in the pet trade, commercially-prepared reptile food and vitamins are now manufactured and available in the market. These can also help in keeping your turtles healthy.

As time progresses, your pet will eventually associate your approach to his feeding time. Whenever you move towards him, if you notice the turtle swimming back and forth expecting food, bear in mind that there must be a limit to the amount of food you should offer your pet daily. Do not overfeed him, because obesity is a common problem in pet turtles.

Turtles are said to require more time and effort from their owners than other pets, but this should not discourage you from keeping them. Yellow Belly Turtles are excellent additions to your household: Your care and love ensure that they will be with you for years to come!